修讀整個MBA課程所需時間約為 4 個月。學生需先完成Qualifi Level 7深造文憑,完成所需科目後,便能進入中央蘭開夏大學 (University of Central Lancashire) 就讀MBA課程。
(University of Central Lancashire)
MBA Top-Up
Distance Learning
University of Central Lancashire
Level 7 深造文憑 + MBA Top-up
Qualifi Level 7 深造文憑:任何時間
MBA Top-up:九月 / 一月 / 五月
- Level 6 Qualification or First Degree or Three years managerial work experience (evaluated on a case-by-case basis)
- A good command of English
Existing educational qualifications and work experience will be directly taken into programme and allowing for module exemptions, please email or WhatsApp us for details.
- IELTS 5.5; Reading and Writing must be at 5.5 or
- HKALE Use of English at Grade E or above, or HKDSE Examination English Language at Level 3 or above or
- Satisfy the examiners in UK EDUCATION qualifying examination, if required
- Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership by Qualifi
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Provided by University of Central Lancashire
Qualifi 頒授 Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership
Mandatory Units
You must take all six of the following:
Mandatory Units | |||||
Unit Reference |
Mandatory Units |
Level |
Credit |
702 |
Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
704 |
Information Management and Strategic Decision Taking |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
705 |
Leading a Strategic Management Project |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
706 |
Strategic Direction |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
711 |
Strategic Planning |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
724 |
Development as a Strategic Manager |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
Optional Units
Select at least two of the following:
Optional Units | |||||
Unit Reference |
Optional Units |
Level |
Credit |
703 |
Finance for Managers |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
708 |
Strategic Marketing |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
710 |
Organisational Change Strategies |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
712 |
Human Resource Planning |
7 |
150 |
15 |
60 |
The overall structure of the course is based on eight units that cover a number of topics relating to learning outcomes. Six units are mandatory with learners being able to choose two optional units from four. Each unit has the equivalency of 15 credits.
Learners will be invited to attend lectures and workshops that will introduce the subject matter. Learners must complete all units successfully and achieve 120 credits before the Diploma can be issued.
中央蘭開夏大學 (University of Central Lancashire) 工商管理碩士
The Master of Business Administration taught and awarded by University of Central Lancashire is an intensive programme designed for those wishing either to establish or sustain a successful managerial or professional career. This 4-month MBA Top-Up is delivered 100% online and is intended for holders of a recognised postgraduate diploma with 120 credits.
Taught by highly experienced and qualified tutors, who will provide guidance for the completion of an MBA dissertation, the MBA provides a rigorous process of personal and managerial development in which you are encouraged and expected to make your own unique contribution.
The UCLan MBA is well established and enjoys an excellent reputation amongst employer organisations in the private, public and voluntary sectors. Graduates of the MBA can progress to senior positions in their organisation, or to the completion of a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).
Students study one core unit:
- Dissertation (Major Project)
University of Central Lancashire MBA|UCLAN MBA ranking介紹
中央蘭開夏大學工商管理碩士(UCLAN Master of Business Administration top up)課程是一門備受推崇的商業管理研究生課程,旨在培養學生成為具有領導能力和戰略思維的商業專業人士。University of Central Lancashire MBA ranking在全球名列前茅,其教學質量毋庸置疑。
UCLAN MBA課程具有豐富的學術資源和實踐導向的教學方法。學生將通過專業的教師團隊和商業領域的專家學者的指導,獲得廣泛的商業管理知識和技能。課程涵蓋了管理理論、領導力、戰略規劃、市場營銷、財務管理、創新和創業等關鍵領域。學生們將學習如何在不同的商業環境中做出明智的決策,解決復雜的商業問題,並有效地領導團隊。
UCLAN Master of Business Administration課程還註重實踐經驗的培養。學生將有機會參與實際項目、案例分析、商業咨詢和企業訪問等實踐活動,以應用他們在課堂上學到的知識和技能。這種實踐經驗將幫助學生更好地理解商業運作,並培養解決問題和創新的能力。
University of Central Lancashire Master of Business Administration top up課程還註重培養學生的國際視野和跨文化管理能力。學生將與來自不同國家和背景的同學一起學習和合作,了解全球商業環境的挑戰和機遇。學校還提供國際交流項目和商業考察活動,為學生提供與國際企業和機構互動的機會。
UCLAN MBA ranking靠前,完成中央蘭開夏大學的MBA課程後,學生將具備廣泛的職業發展機會。他們可以在各個行業和組織中擔任高級管理職位,如市場營銷經理、運營經理、財務經理、商業顧問等。此外,一些學生可能選擇創業,開設自己的企業。
總的來說,University of Central Lancashire MBA課程為學生提供了一流的商業管理教育。University of Central Lancashire MBA ranking名列前茅。通過學習University of Central Lancashire MBA top up課程,學生將獲得廣泛的商業知識和實踐技能,為他們在商業領域取得成功奠定堅實的基礎。無論是追求職業發展還是創業,University of Central Lancashire Master of Business Administration課程將為學生提供寶貴的學習和成長機會。
University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)提供的UCLAN Master of Business Administration課程是一個強化且專門設計,旨在幫助個人在建立或提升其管理和專業職業生涯方面獲得優勢的學習計劃。這個UCLAN Master of Business Administration課程為那些已經持有認可的碩士學位(學分數為120)的人度身訂造,全程約為4個月。
University of Central Lancashire Master of Business Administration ranking在全球名列前茅,其教學質量有保障。在整個UCLAN Master of Business Administration top up課程期間,您將獲得一支由經驗豐富且具有資格的導師團隊提供的持續支持,引導您順利完成UCLAN MBA top up論文。這個具有轉型性的旅程旨在促進個人和管理能力的發展,鼓勵您做出獨特而有影響力的貢獻。
這個UCLAN MBA top up課程的獨特之處在於強調課程作業和論文,從而省去了傳統考試的需求。相反,您將參與實踐性的評估和項目,使您能夠將所學知識應用於實際情境中,獲得寶貴的技能和見解。
作為遠程學習課程,University of Central Lancashire MBA top up課程提供了無與倫比的靈活性,讓您能夠按照自己的節奏和方便進行學習。通過先進的在線平臺,您將獲得全面的資源、互動式學習材料和引人入勝的虛擬討論,確保豐富而身臨其境的教育體驗。
成功完成University of Central Lancashire Master of Business Administration課程後,您將獲得一個高度備受認可的資格,讓您具備在職業生涯中取得卓越成就所需的知識、技能和自信。UCLAN Master of Business Administration ranking靠前,憑藉University of Central Lancashire Master of Business Administration top up學位,您將打開通往提升職業前景和在所選領域取得進一步發展的大門,為一個成功而充實的未來奠定基礎。
UK University提供UCLAN MBA課程
University of Central Lancashire Master of Business Administration ranking在全球名列前茅,該課程成為想進修MBA類目的學生的熱門選擇。如果您想高效完成University of Central Lancashire MBA課程,獲得國際認可的UCLAN MBA top up學位,UK University可以助你一臂之力。我們提供UCLAN Master of Business Administration top up課程,課程100%遙距線上授課,僅用一年時間即可完成在線課程,無需考試,僅以功課評分。在學習的過程中,可以無障礙與大學教授溝通交流,教授還會指導學生撰寫論文。學生畢業後,即可獲得國際認可University of Central Lancashire MBA top up degree。UCLAN Master of Business Administration ranking名列前茅,其教學質量可見一斑。UK University歡迎您的垂詢和報讀。