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工商管理碩士(Master of Business Administration,簡稱MBA)課程由傳統英國公立大學提供,旨在提升學生的管理技能、戰略思維和領導能力,幫助他們在競爭激烈的商業環境中脫穎而出。



法律碩士(Master of Laws,簡稱 LLM)是一個高級法律學位課程,專為已具備法律學士學位或相關法律背景的學生而設計,旨在為學生提供更專業、深入的法律知識,並培養其高階法律研究和實踐能力。









What are the prerequisites for admissions?

1. Recognised bachelor degree

2. Recognised associate degree

3. Recognised higher diploma

4. Or at least 5 years of full-time work experience

Yes. We do not exclude candidates who have an MBA or any other graduate degree. You should, however, fully explain your reasons for pursuing a second MBA in your application.

No. Many students have not had business courses prior to entering the program. Generally, 40% of our class consists of people with liberal arts backgrounds. Pre-term offers incoming students an opportunity to “brush up” on their quantitative skills before classes begin. Candidates are also encouraged to complete introductory courses in calculus and statistics prior to entrance, since much of the course work requires quantitative skill.

No, we do not offer Entrance Scholarships. In general, most MBA students do not receive financial support.

Several universities around the world offer three years undergraduate programs. If you have received a Bachelor’s degree upon completion of such a program, you are eligible to apply to the MBA program.

Yes. We will consider your application immediately after you complete your undergraduate degree as long as you meet the admission requirement.

While we will accept two professional references if applicants are unable to obtain an academic reference, it is preferred that applicants submit one professional reference and one academic reference.

There is no particular preference. All subjects are considered relevant, from business, pure sciences, social sciences and engineering to law, arts and languages.

The normal cut-off is two years of postgraduate full-time work experience. On average, our students have six to seven years of work experience. No industry is favoured over another. Experience in both the private and public sectors is considered relevant.

The average student has worked for five or six years between graduating from college and entering the MBA program. The program does accept early career candidates with limited or no experience who exhibit strong managerial and professional potential. The admissions committee looks for individuals who exhibit professional maturity. In other words, we evaluate work experience not in terms of years, but the depth and breadth of an individual’s position, his or her contributions to the work environment, and level of responsibility and progression.

We look for diversity in the professional backgrounds of its admitted students just as it does in all other parts of our applicants’ profiles. No one industry is favored over another, and experience in a Fortune 500 company does not have higher value than experience in a small business or public institution.

Each year, we welcome several early career candidates(individuals with 0 to 3 years of professional work experience) into our program. We are more interested in the skills you have acquired to date, including leadership and management opportunities, than the number of years you have been in the work force. We consider both the skills you have demonstrated to date and your future potential.

Yes, we believe that military experience is very valuable. We strongly encourage former military personnel to join our programme, as they have proven leadership and interpersonal and team-building skills.

Certainly. As with all work experiences, we are interested in the skills acquired on the job and level of progression(measured by scope of responsibilities, job title, salary).

While we recognize the value of graduate academic work, we do not count academic work as professional work experience.