整個工商管理碩士營銷課程通常需要約 6 個月的時間才能完成,學生先修讀 Qualifi Level 7 深造文憑,完成相關本科學位的學生可以申請入讀雷克斯漢姆格林多大學 (Wrexham Glyndwr University) 的MBA營銷課程。
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(Wrexham Glyndwr University)
MBA Marketing
Distance Learning
Wrexham Glyndwr University
Level 7 深造文憑 + MBA Top-Up
Qualifi Level 7 深造文憑:任何時間
MBA Top-Up:九月 / 一月 / 五月
- UK RQF/ NQF Level 6; or HKQF Level 5 qualification or
- A bachelor’s degree awarded by a recognized institution or
- A recognized professional qualification (s) plus at least3 years of full-time work experience at senior level. Shortlisted applicants may be invited for an interview.
Existing educational qualifications and work experience will be directly taken into programme and allowing for module exemptions, please email or WhatsApp us for details.
- IELTS 5.5; Reading and Writing must be at 5.5 or
- HKALE Use of English at Grade E or above, or HKDSE Examination English Language at Level 3 or above or
- Satisfy the examiners in UK EDUCATION qualifying examination, if required
Level 7 Diploma in Business Strategy Provided by Qualifi
MBA Finance by Wrexham Glyndwr University
Qualifi 頒授 Level 7 Diploma in Business Strategy
Mandatory Units
You must take all four of the following:
Mandatory Units |
Unit Reference |
Mandatory Units |
Level |
Credit |
M/506/9074 |
Strategic Marketing |
7 |
150 |
15 |
D/506/9068 |
Finance for Managers |
7 |
150 |
15 |
Y/506/9070 |
Strategic Direction |
7 |
150 |
15 |
Y/506/9070 |
Strategic Planning |
7 |
150 |
15 |
General Management Specialism
You must take all of the following:
Specialism Units |
Unit Reference |
Specialism Units |
Level |
Credit |
Y/506/9133 |
Research Methods |
7 |
200 |
20 |
J/506/9064 |
International Financial Management |
7 |
150 |
15 |
Human Resources Management Specialism
You must take all of the following:
Specialism Units |
Unit Reference |
Specialism Units |
Level |
Credit |
K/615/3307 |
Resourcing, Talent Management and Development |
7 |
150 |
15 |
M/615/3308 |
Performance Management |
7 |
100 |
10 |
Y/615/3304 |
Contemporary HRM |
7 |
100 |
10 |
Finance Specilalism
You must take all of the following:
Specialism Units |
Unit Reference |
Specialism Units |
Level |
Credit |
R/618/8634 |
Business Finance |
7 |
100 |
10 |
Y/618/8635 |
International Financial Management |
7 |
100 |
15 |
Y/615/3304 |
Contemporary HRM |
7 |
100 |
10 |
Marketing Specialism
You must take all of the following:
Specialism Units |
Unit Reference |
Specialism Units |
Level |
Credit |
D/618/8636 |
Customer Growth marketing |
7 |
100 |
10 |
H/618/8637 |
Advanced Strategic Marketing |
7 |
150 |
15 |
Y/615/3304 |
Contemporary HRM |
7 |
100 |
10 |
Project Management Specialism
You must take all of the following:
Specialism Units |
Unit Reference |
Specialism Units |
Level |
Credit |
K/618/8638 |
Planning, Controlling and Leading a Project |
7 |
100 |
15 |
M/618/8639 |
Procurement Risk and Contract Management |
7 |
100 |
10 |
Y/615/3304 |
Advanced Project and Logistics Management |
7 |
100 |
10 |
Wrexham Glyndwr University的WGU MBA Marketing top up升學課程,是一個為有意從事行銷領域的專業人士而設計的頂尖課程。這個Wrexham Glyndwr University MBA Marketing top up碩士課程提供了一個豐富的學術環境,結合了行業專業知識和實踐技能的培養,旨在培養學生在競爭激烈的商業環境中獲得成功所需的專業能力。
Wrexham Glyndwr University是一所位於英國威爾斯地區的知名大學,擁有悠久的歷史和傑出的學術聲譽。該大學的WGU Master of Business Administration Marketing top up升學課程是該校商學院的頂尖課程之一,吸引了來自世界各地的學生。
這個Wrexham Glyndwr University Master of Business Administration Marketing top up碩士課程的主要目標是培養學生在行銷領域中的領導力和創新能力。課程結合了學術理論和實踐經驗,通過案例研究、團隊項目和實習機會,讓學生能夠應對現實世界中的行銷挑戰。
在WGU MBA Marketing top up課程中,學生將學習到一系列關鍵的商業和行銷技能,包括市場分析、品牌管理、市場營銷策略、數據分析和數字行銷等。這些技能將有助於學生在行銷領域中成為優秀的專業人士,並在職業生涯中取得成功。
Wrexham Glyndwr University MBA Marketing top up課程還提供了一個豐富的學習環境和資源,以支持學生的學習和成長。學生可以獲得專業教師的指導和支持,並與來自不同背景和國家的同學進行交流和合作。此外,該大學與行業合作夥伴建立了緊密的聯繫,為學生提供實習和職業發展機會。
總之,WGU Master of Business Administration Marketing top up升學課程是一個出色的學習機會,為有志於在行銷領域取得成功的專業人士提供了寶貴的知識和技能。通過這個課程,學生將能夠在競爭激烈的商業環境中脫穎而出,並為企業的成功做出貢獻。
通過特許學院提供的Wrexham Glyndwr University Master of Business Administration Marketing top up銜接課程,雷克瑟姆格林德沃大學授予的學位由專門的督導和合格的導師負責。該課程提供靈活且便捷的學習方式,因為它完全通過學院的創新學習平台在線進行。這使得學生可以方便地獲取課程材料,並與導師和其他學生進行討論,無論他們身處何地。
在整個WGU MBA Marketing top up課程中,學生受益於經驗豐富的督導提供的教學支持,他們在模組中提供指導,並對學生的進步提供寶貴的反饋。這種專門的協助確保學生可以最大限度地提高他們的學習體驗,發揮他們的潛力。
WGU Master of Business Administration Marketing top up課程僅持續6至9個月,使學生能夠高效地獲得MBA資格。成功完成WGU MBA Marketing top up課程後,學生將獲得雷克瑟姆格林德沃大學 (Wrexham Glyndwr University) 授予的最終學位,這是一個全球公認的資格,有助於提高職業前景,為新的機遇敞開大門。
申請人需要持有與MBA銜接課程相關主題的Qualifi申請人需要持有與MBA銜接課程相關主題的Qualifi Level 7商業策略專業文憑。欲了解更多詳情,請訪問該文憑課程頁面。